Sweeten Up Your 4th of July With These Patriotic Desserts
June 30, 2023
Posted: September 1, 2022 10:35 am
The rich, slightly bitter edge of strong coffee can serve as a wonderful foil for desserts and add flavor to meat. Here are 9 delicious recipes you can make with coffee grinds in them.
Fresh roasted chiles are a wonderful addition to a pot of hot chili. Once you roast up your fresh chiles, add a bit of ground espresso roast and shaved bitter chocolate to the puree. As you cook your chile, the chocolate and coffee scent will fade but the smoky flavor will hang on.
When you put a chuck roast in your crockpot, consider adding strong brew coffee or coffee extract and a bit of Guinness to the pot; as the beef roast warms and cooks, the meat will slowly absorb a bit of bitterness to bring out the flavor of the flesh.
You can also add strong coffee to a vegetable stew before you add the dumplings. If you’re a fan of mushrooms, consider using dried mushrooms in a combination of coffee and soy sauce for even more intense flavor.
If gluten is a challenge for you, a baked oatmeal cake can be a terrific treat. Instead of baking your oatmeal with water, add coffee to create a richer foil for the sweetness. Maple syrup, dried fruits and a drizzle of fresh yogurt can really turn this breakfast treat into a hearty protein as well!
In the crockpot, coffee can turn a basic cut of meat into an incredible treat. Creating a meat rub loaded with cumin, coriander, salt and pepper and ground coffee is a good start before you braise the roast. Next, cook your roast in a combination of brewed coffee and stock. Slow cooked meats, roasted with plenty of veggies, can a be a delicious sandwich filler.
Do take care to braise the roast at a fairly low temperature. Even ground coffee can burn if exposed to too high a heat. Go for a low flavor oil; a simple veggie oil may be all you need to open up the spices in this simple, yummy meat rub.
You can make a simple steak marinade of brewed coffee, a bit of salt and pepper, and a little garlic. Do take care to use hearty coffee with no sweetness added. For example, an unsweetened hazelnut brew with no sugar included can add a nutty undertone to a shredded or sliced beef roast. If budgets are tight, use low heat and time to cook cheaper cuts of meat to tenderness.
Can brownies be any better? Actually, yes! This gooey coffee brownie recipe uses both espresso powder and any leftover coffee you may have in the pot. To increase the flavor intensity, bake these in a smaller pan so they’re thicker, let them cool, cut them and toss them in powdered sugar for an even richer treat.
The simplest way to boost the flavor of a chocolate box cake is to use cooled coffee instead of water in the mix. Remember that coffee is acidic. To increase the flavor complexity, consider using an orange glaze, canned pie cherries or a peanut butter icing to make the flavor of your chocolate cake even richer.
If time is tight in the morning, you can boost your caffeine intake by adding protein powder to your coffee on the way to the gym. If you love a cold brew but may not have time for lunch, mix vanilla protein powder into your mid-morning cold brew to tide you over. If you can’t develop a taste for matcha, cold brew coffee may be just what you need!
June 13, 2023
May 10, 2023